Wizz with words. Almost-Austrian-still-American. Surfer, sailor, skier – and terrible at all three. Likes to sing, doesn't like to be heard singing. A journalist and story-seeker at heart, who believes the best way to learn how to tell stories... is to live them.
Don't see Jamie? Look down – he's in the water. One of the DoPs on the planet to pack a Red Raptor-V into a water housing and swim Ireland's giant surf, Jamie gets the shot – and sets the mood.
Producer, DoP, Editor. The man with the plan, king of the coffee maker, the spreadsheet super hero. Plays the piano and will usually make sure there's catering.
Concept. Light. Composition. Leo Rosas is a craftsman. Bringing both playfulness and creativity to his work behind the lens.
HOME BASE: Zakopane, Poland Our Polish mountain man with a penchant for chasing fast cars, well, pretty much anywhere. As comfortable at 7000m as he hanging out of a helicopter. A craftsman who always gets the shot.
Homebase: Vienna Commercial, music and sports photography. Expert with light – and backlight.
The kind of cameraman you can send pretty much anywhere. Quiet, but always listening – and watching. At home in desert dunes or the high alpine. His favorite guy to film? The one and only Hansi Hinterseer.
The GSD done guy who draws on his years of gastronomy experience to guide him as a ‘quereinsteiger’ in the media world. As comfortable clicking away on the computer as he is clicking the shutter button. Excellent eye for food… and also for pictures of it.
Brainstorm together with client. Info gathering. Determine approach. Assess risks and define achievable goals.
The Production, where the story is Catptured. Images, footage and audio gathered and organized.
Post production and activation, where the story is finally formed. Define the story and expand into snippets for digital world consumption.